We are a thriving school with over 90 pupils aged 3 to 11.

If you would like to register your son or daughter for entry to Salterford House School please contact the school directly on 0115 9652127 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prior to the child’s attendance at Salterford House School the parents or guardians will be asked to complete and sign the:

1. Registration/Acceptance Form
2. Parent-School Contract Standard Terms and Conditions
3. First Day Information Pack Forms

This informs the parents of the basic standards of behaviour and the attitude towards teaching and learning that the School expects and demands. It also provides the School with the following vital information:

• Name, home address and date of birth of each child
• Starting date
• Name, address and telephone numbers of parents or guardians
• Emergency telephone numbers of parents or guardians
• Special Diets, allergy details and medical information
• Name, address and telephone number of the child’s doctor
• Parental consent on emergency procedures

Parents or guardians will also be asked to provide the School with any further information which they feel will enable us to take that best possible care of their children.
